Lumen Marketing services one sheet

Lumen Marketing services one sheet

Learn about our strategy-first marketing programs that help businesses generate demand, attract better leads, engage more effectively, and increase qualified sales opportunities.

8 Questions

8 Questions to ask your next marketing agency, partner, or freelancer

The answers will help you choose wisely where you invest your budget, and can save you valuable time.

Scrape or remodel

Scrape or remodel? Factors to consider when evaluating marketing plan performance

What do you do when the marketing plan you’ve been working from gets stale?

Should you hire a marketing consultant or freelancer?

Should you hire a marketing consultant or freelancer?

Whatever the reason(s), it might make sense to hire a marketing consultant…

Many U.S. companies still not compliant with data privacy laws

Many U.S. companies still not compliant with data privacy laws

If you’re doing any digital marketing (this includes your website), it’s way past time to pay attention to data privacy laws both at home and abroad.

An entrepreneur's guide to understanding Google Analytics terms

An entrepreneur’s guide to understanding Google Analytics terms

Feel “clueless” when it comes to interpreting GA data? This article was written specifically for you.

MQL, SAL, SQL: What’s lead qualification & why should you care?

MQL, SAL, SQL: What’s lead qualification and why should you care?

You’ll experience a greater ROI when your energy is focused in a systematic way on those most interested in buying.

calls to action

Calls to action: What action do you want a customer to take?

If you want people to buy a product or service or get involved with your cause, don’t assume they know what you want them to do. You need calls to action to do the job…

How to prevent the pain of a bad hire on your marketing team

How to prevent the pain of a bad hire on your marketing team

No doubt about it, hiring the wrong person costs a business dearly. Learn how to avoid the pain and maintain ultimate flexibility…

5 tried-and-true tips for creating an infographic that gets results

5 tried-and-true tips for creating an infographic that gets results

The infographic is more popular than ever, and with good reason. Learn what separates a good infographic from a great one.

How to demonstrate marketing ROI when developing next year’s budget

How to demonstrate ROI when developing next year’s budget

If you can’t answer these questions about marketing ROI, you’re going to fight an uphill battle when it comes to winning approval for your budget.

4 ways to ensure your website password is (really, truly) secure

4 ways to ensure your website password is (really, truly) secure

As a marketing and communications agency that works with many client websites, we see loads of room for improvement with passwords.

lead qualification funnel

Infographic: Lead acquisition channels

The complete journey from unqualified lead to converted customer…


Request a consultation to learn how Lumen Marketing can help you generate demand, attract better leads, engage more effectively, and increase qualified sales opportunities.