Refocusing business priorities: 8 ways to hold yourself accountable

In both our personal and professional lives, the start of a new year brings a time to set our faces toward living out our best selves. Where do you want to go, and how will you get there? Same old, same old won’t cut it, will it? Reaching your 2019 goals will require setting [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:23:57-07:00January 15th, 2019|Strategy|0 Comments

How to generate quality leads? Inbound marketing is still the answer!

Do you like intrusive ads and pushy sales pitches? Yeah, we thought not. Your customers don’t either. If you’re wondering how to generate quality leads for your business, outbound marketing is out and inbound marketing has taken the lead. Outbound marketing means you’re shoving ads in front of people without any indication they might [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:25:06-07:00October 16th, 2018|Marketing, Strategy|0 Comments

Millennials and direct mail: They (surprisingly) like it!

Is direct mail dead? Nearly everyone on the planet is reachable electronically these days, right? So why would you keep forking over cash for the printing and postage of actual printed advertising? The big players all do it. Grocery ads, back-to-school big-box ads, home improvement store ads all arrive in our mailboxes every week. [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:25:14-07:00October 10th, 2018|Business Communications, Strategy|0 Comments

All coffee’d out? Smarter networking yields better results!

You go to a networking happy hour, strike up conversations with other business owners and exchange business cards. You go home and one of you follows up with an email proposing a coffee date. You meet and chat more. You add them to your database, hoping that someday, surely, if the stars align, you [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:26:47-07:00August 22nd, 2018|Business Communications, Strategy|1 Comment

Does your marketing strategy put the buyer in the driver’s seat?

Have you ever researched a product or service online and gotten frustrated because you couldn’t find the information you needed? How long did you stay on that site? I experienced a variation on this theme once when I was looking to make a job change, right before founding Lumen Marketing & Communications. I was [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:27:05-07:00August 8th, 2018|Marketing, Strategy|1 Comment

Facebook or LinkedIn ads? Be smart about your social media marketing

We all know social media marketing is an essential part of a good overall marketing strategy. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter – the list goes on and on. Is it simply a matter of creating a post and sharing it all over the place? Hint: the answer is almost always no. And what happens when [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:27:24-07:00July 24th, 2018|Marketing, Strategy|0 Comments

6 ways to build trust, credibility & integrity for your business brand

Let’s face it, we are living in a cultural crisis of credibility. Too often it erodes government, religion, and our business communities. As business leaders, most of us really do want to contribute to improving the world while also providing for ourselves and our families. On both counts, success depends on people trusting us. [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:27:32-07:00July 17th, 2018|Marketing, Strategy|0 Comments

The master gardener’s approach to marketing GROWTH

Have you ever grown a garden? If you have, close your eyes for a moment and envision what goes into growing veggies. If you haven’t, we’ll try to condense it to the high points, because the whole process of planting, watering, cultivating, and harvesting has six key lessons to teach business leaders about marketing [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:27:46-07:00June 20th, 2018|Marketing, Strategy|1 Comment

Doctor, doctor, give me the news. How’s my business’ marketing health?

“I need a logo. If I tell you what I want, can you just design it?” “My business needs a website. What will it cost?” Businesses call us with these kinds of questions all the time. They have one particular need and they want a solution to it. We all understand that, right? But [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:29:03-07:00May 2nd, 2018|Marketing, Strategy|0 Comments

Align sales and marketing, and everyone wins

Marketers spend a lot of time developing resources that explain products, answer questions about services, and in general are meant to cultivate customer relationships and support the sales staff. Webinars, white papers, website content, or leave-behind collateral — they all cost any business a chunk of change. So why is it that so often all [...]

By |2022-01-07T09:29:12-07:00April 24th, 2018|Business Communications, Marketing, Strategy|1 Comment
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